The Library of Congress (LOC) is the examination library that formally serves the United States Congress and is the accepted national library of the United States. It is the most established government social foundation in the United States. The Library is housed in three structures on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.; it additionally keeps up the Packard Campus in Culpeper, Virginia, which houses the National Audio-Visual Conservation Center. The Library of Congress is the biggest library on the planet. Its "accumulations are general, not restricted by subject, arrangement, or national limit, and incorporate research materials from all parts of the world and in more than 450 dialects. 66% of the books it secures every year are in dialects other than English. more than 38 million books and other written words, 3.6 million recordings, 14 million photos, 5.5 million maps, 8.1 million bits of sheet music and 70 million original copies, 5,711 incunabula, and 122,810,430 things in the nonclassified (unique) accumulations: more than 164,000,000 aggregate books