The new AI-powered consumer electronics are a part of our lives now. More people are coming online worldwide, and the trend will continue to grow. From Smart TVs to AI Smart Speakers to Smart Homes, things are changing fast in India best wap site MsnTarGet.CoM.

Evolving products will leverage the current transformation phase.

Global conglomerates are pouring in money to change the habits how Indians buy and use things, and soon this will impact their lifestyles. Modern day products with AI and IoT are a part of our homes now, and this will keep growing. Here are the top home electronics trends that will rule 2019:

Top 7 Home Electronics Trends That Will Rule 2019

Top 7 Home Electronics Trends That Will Rule 2019
Top 7 Home Electronics Trends That Will Rule 2019

Smart Speakers

Slowly those small AI assistants in little packs are now becoming a crucial part of our homes. In India, currently, there are the two bestselling smart speakers: Google Home and Amazon Echo. Powered by Google Assistant and Alexa ( respectively, they are doing a pretty good job to help us out with our daily tasks like booking a cab or order food or do something. In 2019, the same trend for smart speakers is expected to grow at the same rate.

Smart TVs

Gone are the days when we had to wait for a movie for its premiere on a TV channel. People now have Smart TVs which air online content by powering it from your WiFi. Basically, the TV is your new computer screen. You can play games, watch YouTube, Netflix, browse, shop and more. Smart TVs with AI-powered dynamic optimizer now allow TVs to deliver better quality pictures using less bandwidth.

Smart Homes

Not just televisions or mobiles, our homes are getting smarter with time as well. A trend growing at a peak since last few years, smart homes will grow exponentially in 2019 again. Household appliance with IoT and AI now enable several household products to connect intuitively with their living spaces. It ensures convenience, comfort and is affordable at the same time. Intelligent home devices automatically get switched off and you can even monitor them in real-time using smartphones.

Air Purifiers

The growing pollution in India has how forced households to take a step further to keep the air clean at homes. We can’t fix the air outside, but air purifiers can do it inside. Out of the top 15 polluted cities in the World, 14 are from India. Breathing issues and respiratory problems are common everywhere now. In 2019, we will see a higher influx of air purifiers in the households with the growing concern for cleaner air.


With Smart TVs, we have entered a new era of Over-the-top (OTT) content. Not TV channels or downloaded content, but next-gen intelligent Smart TVs now offer options to watch new content from platforms like Netflix, Prime, Hotstar and more. Smart TVs to the Internet makes it easy to access several streaming services offering a ton of Over-the-top (OTT) content with AI assisting you to suggest movies, TV shows and web series based on your viewing habits.

AI Powered Consumer Electronics

Artificial Intelligence now takes up a major portion of our lives. Integration of AI with consumer goods provides world-class customer experience. Neither you need any human intervention or specific settings. Machine learning and AI does it for you so that the devices can solve your needs and requirements in a better way.

Modern Comfort

Squeezing space and small places now force people to adjust. In cities and metros, we hardly are left with any space inside these small flats and houses. Designers are now trying to renovate these small spaces to turn them into modern comfort zones to accommodate as much as possible without comprising the living experience. In 2019, the trend is expected to grow at a similar rate again.